Verena Tosha Walper, PhD
Verena graduated from Medau School, Physical Therapy and the European College of Osteopathy in Germany and has 20 years of experience in the health and medical field. Tosha received her doctorate degree in Osteopathic Sciences from the National University of Medical Sciences in Florida.
In California she is licensed as a massage therapist which allows her to legally use the techniques she learned at the European College of Osteopathy in Germany.
✓ COE, European College of Osteopathy, Munich, Germany
✓ NUMSS, National University of Medical Sciences, Florida, USA
✓ Physical Therapy, Medau Schule, Coburg, Germany
✓ Sivananda Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Austria
✓ Waldorf Teacher, Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training, San Rafael
Postgraduate Training
✓ Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)
✓ Functional Orthodontic Appliances (ALF, Crozat, Bioblock, TAD, etc.)
✓ Frenuloplasty/Tongue Tie Release,pre-and post surgery treatment
✓ Concussion and Brain Trauma
✓ Nervous System Disorders, Vagus Nerve Dysfunctions
✓ Digestive Issues, Visceral Osteopathy
✓ Biodynamic Ostoepathy